[tor-talk] Fwd: Problem

krishna e bera keb at cyblings.on.ca
Thu Jan 9 16:33:25 UTC 2014

On 14-01-09 10:37 AM, Rajesh K wrote:
> Hi sir,
>        There is a problem for executing TOR browser..Installation process
> is stuck at 5% that is
>          "Jan 09 18:30:20.933 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 5%:
> Connecting to directory server. (No route to host [WSAEHOSTUNREACH ];
> NOROUTE; count 1; recommendation warn)"
>          So please provide a solution to resolve the problem so that It
> will be useful for 400 students..Thank You sir..

There is a section in the short user manual
called "What to do when Tor does not connect"

Unfortunately it has not yet been updated for the current TBB
which does not contain Vidalia anymore and so configuring ports and
bridges isnt the same procedure.  However you might find the information
useful in figuring out the problem.

You can also email help at rt.torproject.org
for assistance specific to your issues
or join the IRC (interactive chat) at
#tor on irc.oftc.net

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