[tor-talk] Including Adblock to TBB to save bandwith

Libertas libertas at mykolab.com
Sun Dec 21 03:13:52 UTC 2014

On 12/20/2014 11:40 AM, Thomas White wrote:
> Perhaps an internal fork of it could be made specifically for Tor to
> make the black/whitelisting process accountable only to the interests
> of anonymity and the Tor network. As I understand it, AdBlock
> maintains a whitelist where providers can pay to be excluded from
> their blockers and so it has a commercial interest which is
> potentially very dangerous when combined with the factors already
> mentioned.

Enter Adblock Edge:


That said, considering recent events like the continuing Cloudflare
fiasco, I tentatively agree with the TBB policy of not including
ad-blockers by default.

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