[tor-talk] Pattern In Tor Addresses

Drake Wilson drake at dasyatidae.net
Fri Aug 15 03:24:41 UTC 2014

On 14/08/14 22:07, Ben Healey wrote:
> Below is they address changed into numbers.
> Letters changed into numbers starting with a-1 through z-26.
> The numbers are the numbers 1.2.3......
> I then added all them together.
> Then divided the totals by 2.
> They all seem to at some point end in a half number???


You need more mathematics training, grasshopper.  Almost all integers
have that property (or all, if you don't halt upon reaching 1).  Not
to mention that your first transformations treat large sets of keys
as identical in a most dreadful manner.

I suggest you go find your nearest public library and read some more
about information theory, number theory, and mathematical logic so
that you can more accurately evaluate the effective salience of
these notions.  Particularly look up properties of arithmetic, basic
properties of functions and relations, the pigeonhole principle, and
the exponential relationship between string length and number of possible
strings, and implications and surrounding theory thereof.  (Too bad I
don't have a more concrete suggested reading list immediately available...)

   ---> Drake Wilson

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