[tor-talk] units on https://metrics.torproject.org/bandwidth.html

Mirimir mirimir at riseup.net
Wed Aug 6 23:06:23 UTC 2014

On 08/06/2014 04:43 PM, Virgil Griffith wrote:
> I have a question on the exported data from metrics.torproject.org.
> When downloading the "bandwidth" data as a CSV from:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/bandwidth.html
> I've been unable to determine the units of the exported CSV file.
> For example, according to the graph the current total "advertised
> bandwidth" is ~10,000 MiB/s.  However, the final line of the CSV has
> 11,065,082,057 for the "advertised bandwidth".  I've been unable to find a
> plausible choice of units that maps 11,065,082,057 -> 10,000.
> I tried some guesses for what the units on the 11,065,082,057 could be...
> * "Kilobytes per day" yields too small a number---3,001.
> * "Megabytes per day" yields too high a number---3,073,634.
> I got nothing.  Help for what the units are?
> -V

It's Bytes/s, I think.

11,065,082,057 Bytes/s = 10,805,744 KB/s = 10,552 MB/s

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