[tor-talk] (no subject)

Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb ei8fdb at ei8fdb.org
Wed Sep 25 22:17:20 UTC 2013

On 25 Sep 2013, at 23:03, Roger Dingledine <arma at mit.edu> wrote:
>> On Sep 25, 2013 4:31 PM, "Robert K" <kjtrebor at rocketmail.com> wrote:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1z2K1Izur4
> But be careful following the instructions in the youtube video. It looks
> like they made some deb somewhere and stuck Tor Browser Bundle in it
> and want you to install that. A) Nobody's audited what exactly they're
> having you install, now or in the future,

This is true, but people will use what they can if they have difficulties. Anything that helps people installed TBB must be useful, right?

> and B) I have no idea how or
> whether they'll keep that deb up to date.

I've had a look around, but I haven't come across any "official Tor Project videos" to help people get TBB installed on [insert OS]?

Are there any created? If not, I could try and do some short videos for Debian, OS X. Just using the "official" steps direct from TP website.

Bernard / bluboxthief / ei8fdb

IO91XM / www.ei8fdb.org

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