[tor-talk] Tor Weekly News — October 9th, 2013
Joe Btfsplk
joebtfsplk at gmx.com
Sat Oct 12 16:48:12 UTC 2013
Thanks for the input, Luther.
Phrase meanings:
just like "home, sweet home." - In this context, meaning like in the U.S. Or just like in most countries.
they "give as good as they get." - one person (or country) may (or has the ability to) do the same to others, as is being done to them.
"the pot calling the kettle black." - signifying ultimate hypocrisy. One entity accusing another of bad behavior or traits, of which they are also guilty (or they are guilty of behavior as bad or worse as that of which they accuse others. The (cooking) pot - being *dirty* (black - from fire), accuses the kettle of the same thing.
On 10/12/2013 10:09 AM, Luther Blissett wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-10-11 at 11:43 -0500, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
>>> The staged release may be a good idea, but have they got the timing
>>> right?
>>> this article is dated June 6
>>> http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/06/nsa-phone-records-verizon-court-order
>>> that was 4 months ago. How many articles have they published since then?
>>> Actually, if the assumption is that people have a short attention span,
>>> then they should be publishing interesting stuff as frequently as possible?
>> No idea where / when the "documents" relating to the following were
>> released. You won't see this on the "evening news."
>> This article is about Brazil's President scheduling an international
>> conference - early 2014, to discuss the revelations from documents
>> leaked / released so far.
>> http://rt.com/news/brazil-internet-summit-fight-nsa-006/
>> Brazil claims part of the documents released, showed "everything Brazil"
>> is one of many surveillance targets of the US. Surprise!
>> Phone, internet, etc. - just like "home, sweet home." I'm not saying
>> the claims are true / untrue - just that apparently some documents
>> released to date, caused great concern in other countries as well.
>> In reality, it's likely they "give as good as they get." Or, "the pot
>> calling the kettle black."
> I'm not sure I understand the meaning of those expressions, but
> Brazilian govt is most likely trying to bargain access to the data
> systems, trying hard to be part of the "inner circle" of international
> politics rather than caring much for privacy/openness.
> People here bow to kapitol, leak it's shoes and dream of deep T it.
> There was some political momentum - during which I noticed fb blocking
> tor and undercover cops jamming wireless signals nearby street
> protestors - and after that people are on a quiet mood. Many approached
> me raising concerns, few adopted any means of protection at all and a
> majority seems to think that these issues are no issues. (Subjective,
> untrustworthy guess).
> So fed govt does not have any means of political pressure (military,
> economical, technological) and cannot count it's citizens to back up a
> clearcut opposition to kapitol's peeping tom desires. That said, the
> neoliberal right-wing journal "Estado de São Paulo" (estadao.com.br)
> which has historical aliances with the elites of the homonymous State
> has already started to give raise to manufactured news on some criminal
> plot to kill the State Governor which was supposedly caught with the
> help of hitech surveillance apparatus:
> http://www.estadao.com.br/noticias/cidades,faccao-criminosa-tenta-levar-casos-do-pcc-ao-stf,1084798,0.htm
> http://www.estadao.com.br/especiais/pcc-como-funciona-a-faccao-sua-cupula-e-influencia,214103.htm
> More context: PCC, for those who have not heard before, is an
> brotherhood of inmates (prison detainees) born inside São Paulo's
> prisons with the aim of fighting the ongoing day-to-day genocide of the
> black people on Brazil. During the years they supposedly took control of
> drug commerce and the govt and media are constantly reinforcing the fear
> around these issues as they serve the same purpose here as terror-talk
> on kapitol. There are, however, various info which suggests that
> military under the Governor started an unlawful taxing system for
> unlawful commerce as early as 2006 at least, but it probably goes back
> way before. The State Government on São Paulo has remained on the hands
> of the same political party for two decades now.
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