[tor-talk] A new check

Jake Tarren jake.tarren at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 21:11:46 UTC 2013

Can someone explain how this new check differs from the last one please?  I
don't have the time to compare the code right now.


On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Luther Blissett <lblissett at paranoici.org>wrote:

> On Wed, 2013-10-30 at 01:37 +0000, antispam06 at sent.at wrote:
> > On 29.10.2013 13:39, krishna e bera wrote:
> > Fast forward after Microsoft has brought Internet to the masses. Some
> > idiot living an entire life in some basement, with home delivery even
> > for groceries, tries to tell me about the abrahamic heaven and hell.
> > Somehow people have bought the idea of an Internet where a world of evil
> > people is turning good through the will power of a few geandarmes. My
> > foot! On all my sites I don't discriminate comments. Pointless spam I
> > remove. But I leave all abuse. That is real life. Those are the people!
> > There is no benevolent savage inside each person. Faster people renounce
> > this kind of stupidity, faster we are going to see people having less
> > incertives to become sociopaths.
> I love when people deny heaven and gods by appealing to devil and hell.
> "Satanist! Bring, fire...". Well, except when you really drop
> manichaeism (which IMHO you misinterpret as being abrahamic-only) you
> have to drop the bogus talk about a devilish human being. There is a
> multitude of experiences and points of view and trying to bring unity to
> those views has only led us to fascism and genocide.
> We need to focus on what is a common threat to all of us and each in its
> own way, no guarantees. Each of us lives a completely different
> experience and has at hands different possibilities to bring change
> about. Those afraid of what's coming are projecting their own fantasies
> in the unbewuƟten.
> But if you are fighting the devil, you should know it's everywhere so
> your battle is lost unless u r Lessus.
> Rewind, M$ what?! O.o Is my english so bad that I fail to see fine
> humor?
> --
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Jake Tarren
jake.tarren at gmail.com
(804) 385-5019

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