[tor-talk] TOR Portable & Mozilla Add-ons

Christian Sturm reezer at reezer.org
Fri May 24 20:32:47 UTC 2013

On 05/24/2013 05:29 PM, Luca Mastino wrote:
> Hey there guys,
> I'm trying to find out a way to install on my Tor broswer some Firefox
> Plugins (Addons).
> I don't really care about being 100% anonymous - I just need to browse the
> web with another IP address and being able to use addons. :)
> Is there a way to solve my problem?

If you really just want to use another IP address you could use your 
normal browser and connect through a usual one hop proxy for example. It 
may even give you a faster browsing experience. Tor is a really great 
project, but it sounds like you have a different use case.

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