[tor-talk] Tor ignores my Settings

Rejo Zenger rejo at zenger.nl
Wed Feb 20 17:00:11 UTC 2013

++ 20/02/13 17:41 +0100 - Sebastian Pfeifer:
>AccountingMax 10 GB
>AccountingStart day 00:01
>but it still uses more every day
>                 rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
>     ------------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------
>         today      5.43 GiB |    5.60 GiB |   11.03 GiB |    1.46 Mbit/s
>can someone may tell me why this is? :)

Yes. From the manual:

  Never send more than the specified number of bytes in a given 
  accounting period, or receive more than that number in the period. For 
  example, with AccountingMax set to 1 GB, a server could send 900 MB 
  and receive 800 MB and continue running. 

In other words, it'll keep running until either rx or tx has reached 10 
GB. It'll hibernate when upstream or downstream has reached the limit 
you have specified.

Rejo Zenger . <rejo at zenger.nl> . 0x21DBEFD4 . <https://rejo.zenger.nl>
GPG encrypted e-mail preferred . +31.6.39642738 . @rejozenger
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