[tor-talk] Tor and Financial Transparency
Juan Garofalo
juan.g71 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 30 10:34:34 UTC 2013
At 11:19 AM 8/30/2013 +0100, you wrote:
>On Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:16:06 -0700
>Mike Perry <mikeperry at torproject.org> allegedly wrote:
>> Anyway, I would ask that you attempt at least one of the following:
>> 1. Respect our efforts on this front. We're doing our best with what
>> we have
>> 2. Provide citations to support your conspiracy theories of
>Tor's subversion
>> 3. Find better meds
>> 4. Go fuck off
>> Pick one. Or more. Whatever.
>Forgive me, but I think that reply was unnecessarily rude and offensive
>to the poster. Resorting to abuse in response to any question is usually
>unhelpful. When the abuse is aimed at refuting what could be seen as
>conspiracy theory, I think you may be in danger of adding fuel.
No worries. The real problem here is the apparent belief that calling people "tin foil hats" or accusing them of being 'conspiracy theorists' has any real weight in a real discussion.
By the way, my original point was that if Tor people believe that their funding scheme is not going to raise a red flag in the minds of 'ordinary people', they are mistaken.
> Mick Morgan
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