[tor-talk] Tor Mail Gateway
Nathan Suchy
theusernameiwantistaken at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 11:29:28 UTC 2013
First off Edward Snowden did not need anonymity. He went public on this.
Second gateways compromise network security by granting outsiders internal
access. Encryption is another thing but would be pretty easy. I'm not
saying this is a bad project but you need to put protections in it.
On Aug 19, 2013 6:35 AM, "grarpamp" <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd say the majority of SMTP w/ TLS servers are
> > using self-signed certificates.
> Which you can then can pin-on-first-sight, just like SSH, and verify
> as desired, which is better than automatically trusting any CA.
> Mo's stance may not be all that interoperable at first, but
> it's interesting politically. And for that I say go for it. Lots
> of nodes other people can run their own on if they want.
> I'd also say hello to the cypherpunks as they have interest
> in nodes for bringing mail mixes back to life.
> --
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