[tor-talk] Appearing American
Nathan Suchy
theusernameiwantistaken at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 16:41:13 UTC 2013
I'd beg to differ. There are very good VPN providers that keep absolutely
no logs so you would have anonymity in that case. I think a commercial vpn
without logs is the best way to go but you could also handpick nodes (tor
needs to have a auto feature which can auto pick nodes by country. Covert
Browser for IOS allows you to pick your exit node.
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 6:44 AM, mick <mbm at rlogin.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:33:47 -0400
> Greg Norcie <greg at norcie.com> allegedly wrote:
> > Is the anonymity offered by a modified Tor utilizing only nodes in
> > the USA actually more anonymous than a VPN?
> I'd say yes, with caveats. Using a VPN implies divulging some
> personal identifier(s) to the VPN provider at the least. You do not
> need to do that when you use tor. However, tor usage flags you as
> someone who cares a lot about personal privacy and anonymity. That in
> itself can draw attention to you. (The old "what have you got to hide?"
> chestnut.) Of course VPN usage can imply much the same, but for the
> reason I gave above, it looks less likely.
> > I thought utilizing a
> > subset of nodes was considered a bad idea?
> The tor FAQ (at ../docs/faq.html) recommends against limiting entry
> and/or exit to specific locations on the grounds that it can "mess up
> your anonymity in ways that we don't understand." If the tor builders
> themselves profess not to understand the implications, then I'd be
> inclined to trust their recommendation against it.
> Best
> Mick
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mick Morgan
> gpg fingerprint: FC23 3338 F664 5E66 876B 72C0 0A1F E60B 5BAD D312
> http://baldric.net
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Nathan Suchy
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