[tor-talk] Please unsubscribe me
crypto at jpunix.net
Sun Aug 18 15:02:18 UTC 2013
On 8/18/2013 9:23 AM, Mary Ogle wrote:
> Thank you for including me for all these months, but I have discovered I do not understand enough to continue trying to read these emails. Good luck in your endeavors!
> Mary O.
> Sent from Mary's iPad
Hello Mary
We are sorry to see you go. But we can't unsubscribe you. You must do it
yourself by clicking on the link at the bottom of every email from this
list and follow the instructions.
Keywords: terrorism, bombs, jogging, suntan lotion,
nails, pellets, knives, shoes, underwear, milk, socks,
hair, toenails, masturbation, gasoline, cooking oil,
mayonnaise, bananas, Obama, Clinton, EFF, NSA, FBI,
PGP, USA, pressure cooker, marathon, fertilizer
Keywords are not necessarily in order of importance
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