[tor-talk] Newbie question regarding exit policy
Geoff Down
geoffdown at fastmail.net
Fri Aug 16 21:09:05 UTC 2013
Hi Stephan,
thanks for running a relay.
That's a good idea, but you can also verify what exit policy your relay
is announcing to the world (which is what clients use to decide whether
to use your relay as an exit) by visiting a torstatus server such as
http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=<your relays
fingerprint without the brackets>
(I have mine Bookmarked).
You can find your relay's fingerprint in the logs as Tor starts:
"[notice] Your Tor server's identity key fingerprint is ' <name>
<fingerprint>' "
On Fri, Aug 16, 2013, at 09:15 PM, Stephan wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the (hopefully) trivial question, but I couldn't find an
> answer in the FAQ. I just set up a relay node (Tor
> package). I don't want to have an exit node (yet), so I added
> "ExitPolicy reject *:*" to my torrc.
> But - being a little bit paranoid ;-) - I would have hoped to see a
> confirmation regarding the configured exit policy in the log-files.
> Unfortunately even setting the loglevel to debug doesn't show me what
> kind of tor node I am running. Am I looking in the wrong place? Is there
> a way to see the active exit policy?
> If there isn't yet, I would like to propose an easily understandable
> summary of all active exit ports for the log-file. Something along the
> lines of:
> - Tor configured as relay/middleman only. No exit ports allowed.
> - Tor configured as an exit node. Allowed ports are: 80, 443, ...
> - Tor configured as an unrestricted exit node. Connections to all ports
> allowed!
> -Stephan
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