[tor-talk] Newbie question regarding exit policy
irregulator at riseup.net
irregulator at riseup.net
Fri Aug 16 21:07:13 UTC 2013
Since, you've set "ExitPolicy reject *:*" to torrc then you won't be an
exit relay.
You can also search in https://atlas.torproject.org/ or
http://globe.rndm.de/ for your relay, and see the flags, exit policy etc.
tor-arm is a nice monitoring tool for tor relays too.
On 08/16/2013 11:15 PM, Stephan wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the (hopefully) trivial question, but I couldn't find an
> answer in the FAQ. I just set up a relay node (Tor
> package). I don't want to have an exit node (yet), so I added
> "ExitPolicy reject *:*" to my torrc.
> But - being a little bit paranoid ;-) - I would have hoped to see a
> confirmation regarding the configured exit policy in the log-files.
> Unfortunately even setting the loglevel to debug doesn't show me what
> kind of tor node I am running. Am I looking in the wrong place? Is there
> a way to see the active exit policy?
> If there isn't yet, I would like to propose an easily understandable
> summary of all active exit ports for the log-file. Something along the
> lines of:
> - Tor configured as relay/middleman only. No exit ports allowed.
> - Tor configured as an exit node. Allowed ports are: 80, 443, ...
> - Tor configured as an unrestricted exit node. Connections to all ports
> allowed!
> -Stephan
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