[tor-talk] Tor SSL traffic, VPN SSL traffic etc., differences analyzers can see.

luis redondo luis.redondo30 at outlook.com
Sat Oct 27 01:26:46 UTC 2012

Can network sniffers,traffic analyzers etc. see enough differences to determine that,this is Tor SSL traffic,or this is VPN SSL traffic,for example?It would be interesting to have on www.torproject.org site a graphical explanation of what Tor packet format is,layers of encryption in it(I remember,for example,the book TCP/IP Illustrated for all the TCP/IP protocols),including packet format changes for the new obfsproxy "translation" software.The tor website does have that graphics for how the tor network operates,a more low level explanation would be good reading.Or,is there any place where we can already find something like that.Thanks. 		 	   		  

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