[tor-talk] how to access http://localhost/test.php through TBB

Julian Yon julian at yon.org.uk
Tue Oct 23 21:59:16 UTC 2012

On Tue, 23 Oct 2012 23:31:51 +0200
esolve esolve <esolvepolito at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi, I know this question may seems strange, but I have some tests to
> do over tor
> I set up a LAMP, php webserver
> and I want to access html pages on this server locally
> but it seems to me that TBB can't connect to localhost, the error
> information is as below:
> Unable to connect
> Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.
> how can I deal with this problem? thanks!

What you're trying to do is illogical. Normally, your local system
resolves localhost to which is the “loopback” address to talk
to itself. Over Tor this is meaningless, as your exit node isn't on
your local machine. If you want to test a Tor connection to your server
then you'll need to expose it to the Internet and use its external
address rather than localhost. Alternatively, set it up as a hidden
service and test using its .onion address.


3072D/F3A66B3A Julian Yon (2012 General Use) <pgp.2012 at jry.me>
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