[tor-talk] help us:Korean government started to fine netizen who download child pornography without child

Julian Yon julian at yon.org.uk
Sat Oct 20 20:10:21 UTC 2012

On Sat, 20 Oct 2012 19:34:48 +0000
Lee Whitney <lee at whitneyland.com> wrote:

> Eugen do you have children?  Not attacking you based on this but I'm
> curious how it affects perspective.
> In my mind it's pretty easy to drawn the line, things that have
> victims should usually be illegal and things that are unpopular but
> don't hurt anyone usually should be legal.  No slippery slope
> necessary.

I am willing to declare that I do have children, and previously worked
with kids. I also have experience of victims of abuse. In the case of
pornography, there is a *massive* moral/ethical difference between
images which clearly state “only adults are involved” and those which
purport to actually involve children. I don't think “obviousness” of a
fake is a viable criterion for determining the appropriateness of such

I am an anarchist and don't think that legislation is ever the “right”
solution to a problem, but as we don't yet live in an anarchy sometimes
it's the best we're going to get for now. As anarchism is about
protecting *everybody's* right not to be abused, campaigning for the
legalisation of a crime with obvious victims (especially ones such as
children who are naturally vulnerable) is not something I see as
helpful. I don't think it's helpful for Tor (or Tor users) to be
associated with that either, hence my decision to respond.

3072D/F3A66B3A Julian Yon (2012 General Use) <pgp.2012 at jry.me>
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