[tor-talk] help us:Korean government started to fine netizen who download child pornography without child

Lee Whitney lee at whitneyland.com
Sat Oct 20 19:34:48 UTC 2012

Eugen do you have children?  Not attacking you based on this but I'm
curious how it affects perspective.

In my mind it's pretty easy to drawn the line, things that have victims
should usually be illegal and things that are unpopular but don't hurt
anyone usually should be legal.  No slippery slope necessary.

On 10/20/12 2:26 PM, "Eugen Leitl" <eugen at leitl.org> wrote:

>On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 07:27:13PM +0100, Julian Yon wrote:
>> On Sat, 20 Oct 2012 13:16:44 +0900
>> 익명 <namfree123 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Please help us. Child pornography without child is illegal in south
>> > Korea.
>> This is one of the most disturbing messages I have read for a while.
>You seem to be uncommonly easily disturbed. Consider taking some Xanax.
>> I'm not quite sure what "child pornography without child" is meant to
>> mean, but I don't think you're going to find much support for child
>> sexual abuse (real or faked) on this or any other public mailing list.
>There is a serious trend to outlaw many things, using pedophilia
>as bait. In some countries, possession and trafficking in
>child abuse (with no actual child being abused) is considered to be in
>the same class, which is frankly idiotic, and a precedent which will be
>used to censor issues of relevance to *you* in future.
>So, let's please not overreact and let the people who want us to be
>manipulated by universal handles succeed. Because it's just where they
>want you to be: outraged, stupid, and easily goaded by the ring in
>your nose.
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