[tor-talk] Multiple servers with SAME hidden service

andrew at torproject.is andrew at torproject.is
Sat Oct 20 16:01:01 UTC 2012

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 02:01:38PM -0700, sdjfjsdfiuhszduh at fastmail.fm wrote 0.8K bytes in 19 lines about:
: What happens if you have MULTIPLE servers with the same hidden service?
: As in you have a small VPS which is getting busy and you'd like to share
: the load with another VPS. Assuming they know about eachother and works
: correctly when the two servers are under the same domain name. What
: happens if two servers try to advertise the same service? Will it not
: break anything? If might 4/5ths of users only access one server?

The last to publish a descriptor wins. I do this now for some of my own
hidden services. The relevant keys are copied to multiple machines. If
one goes offline, the others become used.

This is more like failover than load balancing, but it works today.

pgp 0x6B4D6475

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