[tor-talk] HHEELLPP!!

David Terry david.terry28 at sky.com
Wed Oct 17 20:33:33 UTC 2012

Please help with a problem I am having.
I have downloaded the newest TOR bundle from the website. I have then
installed the latest version of DownThemAll from the Ad-Ins site. I then
reset the whole lot and Downthemall doesn't work. (right click on the dTa
menu option and the dTa windw does not open. Nor will it add links to the
If I download a separate version of FireFox, then add Downthemall, it works
fine. All good so far? No! - When the stand-alone version of FireFox is
running, the TorButton Ad-In crashes the browser and it will not start again
without a complete refresh, which deletes all Ad-Ins!!    AAAAAAARRRRGH -
vicious circle.
Head about to explode - please help.
Thanks to all.

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