[tor-talk] Will Hidden Service Be Removed?

Daniel Dennis sdjfjsdfiuhszduh at fastmail.fm
Wed Oct 17 16:25:46 UTC 2012

> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 08:28:37 +0200
> From: Andreas Krey <a.krey at gmx.de>
> To: tor-talk at lists.torproject.org
> Subject: Re: [tor-talk] Will Hidden Service Be Removed?
> Message-ID: <20121017062837.GP18881 at inner.h.iocl.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Tue, 16 Oct 2012 22:59:40 +0000, Daniel Dennis wrote:
> ...
> > But I also think all the content in a hidden service are not
> > beneficial to anyone.
> So what? It is sufficient when my hidden services are beneficial
> to me - I can operate a computer behind a NAT or firewall and
> expose its ssh port as an hidden service to be able to access
> it from the outside - it has uses beyond the "you can't find me"
> aspect.
> And basically you're arguing that hidden services are bad because
> "if you've got nothing to hide". Wikileaks has exceptional manpower
> available; and think of the 1.5 million blogs just shut down the
> other day due to a single DMCA takedown notice.
> Andreas
> -- 
> "Totally trivial. Famous last words."
> From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@*.org>
> Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 07:29:21 -0800

IIRC You send DMCA takedowns to the webmaster first and I seen sites
that ignore it and don't get shut down. But I'm not saying 'i have
nothing to hide' is the reason. Its more of 'even if i should hide it, i
can have it hosted on the web' (as in clearnet). Which is why I mention
wikileaks and TPB is another good example. What I am saying is for
hosting purposes, sites are not shut down even if many countries (or
companies) would like them to be shut down.

But I didn't think about accessing a computer via ssh using hidden
services. Having ssh access can ruin security but is there a reason the
server/computer must be hidden? I'd understand why you or your connect
should be hidden but why the server? I'm pretty sure if using encrypted
end to end (https, ssh) your exit node wont have any idea whats going on
except you connected to some ipaddress and i guess knowing i you used
https or ssh (or something else?). Do you actually have that as a
service or did you make that example up?

> > Is there a real reason why the or project can't just disable hidden
> > services? IMO no positive exists as the content can be served on
> > clearnet (once again wikileaks is fine and that is a big deal). Hidden
> > services is just carrying negatives.
> Silk Road sure looks like an epic win to me.  Some of us actually believe
> in free speech on both ends of the socket. [1]

I don't know anything about that. All i heard was it was shut down for a
time (how?) and people send people drugs. They hope they can trust the
dealer. (either not being the police or sending them something that wont
kill them). Do I need to guess what you mean by epic win or will you
explain a little?

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