[tor-talk] Tor coverage by Japanese media

Hideki Saito hidekis at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 00:24:31 UTC 2012

As far as I know, Winny was (and probably is) still leading file
sharing client in Japan, followed by Share.
I think an issue of Perfect Dark was that it is relatively hard to
configure compared to Winny/Share, and given there are already some
prosecution cases with Perfect Dark, perhaps that really didn't make
it better choice than Winny/Share to users.

Note that after the introduction of the revised copyright law in Japan
that makes it a crime to download infringing materials, beginning
October 1st, it looks like some metrics are showing significant
reduction in active nodes.

Hideki Saito <hidekis at gmail.com>

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Juan Garofalo <juan.g71 at gmail.com> wrote:
> At 03:29 AM 10/8/2012 -0700, you wrote:
>>Tor was just covered in Japanese media. (NHK)
>>I haven't seen it yet (it won't be coming to Japanese channel in the
>>States until 20th...) but it'd be interesting to see how this will
>>affect Tor metrics.
>>Incidentally, I was actually interviewed by NHK about what Tor is
>>useful for, however, had to be cut because of time constraints :-(
>>Hideki Saito <hidekis at gmail.com>
>         Sorry about the off-topic question...
>         How popular is file sharing in Japan? Is Perfect Dark widely used?
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