[tor-talk] Let's make Onion Addresses Meaningful To Humans

Stephen Gill gillsr at cymru.com
Fri Feb 24 13:41:41 UTC 2012

Perhaps RFC 1751 would be easily adaptable.


-- steve

On 2/24/12 3:36 AM, "Ahmed Hassan" <ahmed at linuxism.com> wrote:

>Hello Folks,
>I have a cool idea to make onion addresses memorable. That will have no
>effect on its authenticity and security.
>First, I need to define some terms I will use in this email.
>Σ*_{e}: is any English (or any other language) word.
>D*: is a set of all English words (or any other language again) in
>D*_{N}: N means the location of element Σ* in D*.
>For example, if D* = { 'cat', 'hat' ,'rat' }.
>D*_{0} returns 'cat', and D*_{'cat'} returns 0
>max(D*): is a total number of words in a dictionary D*.
>I hope you didn't get confused at this point.
>Onion address needs to be converted to decimal instead of base 32 to
>make it easier to implement.
>Let's say I have already have a value of onion address converted to a
>decimal. That number is 2025107508922.
>I will take that number and convert it to number in base max(D*).
>If we have 51236 words in English dictionary, the result of that
>conversion will be only 3 digits numbers. The numbers after conversion
>are the following:
>Here is a wolframalpha conversion link
>I used dash "-" instead of colons ":" to separate the converted digits.
>It's easier to make it work with the URL (URL uses colon to separate
>address from port) , and easier to convert to the original value.
>We will take 711, 22133 and 48918 and return the Σ*_{e} from D*. Where
>Σ*_{e} is an English word, and D* is a dictionary.
>So, D*_{771}: returns Σ*_{e}', and D*_{22133}: returns different
>Σ*_{e}'' and so on.
>At the end we will have something like that:
>Σ*_{e}'  -  Σ*_{e}''  -  Σ*_{e}^(3).onion
>If Σ*_{e}' is equal to 'cat',  Σ*_{e}'' ( '' means another word) is
>equal to 'rat' and  Σ*_{e}^(3) is equal to 'hat'. The final result will
>be something like this
>To convert back again to the original SHA hash value, all we have to do
>is to return a number from D*_{Σ*_{e}} for each word, and convert it
>back again to the original base.
>Users will not have an option to explicitly choose onion domain name,
>but they will have an option to generate a lot of keys, and choose
>something they like.
>Ahmed Hassan <Ahmed at Linuxism.com>
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>tor-talk at lists.torproject.org

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