[tor-talk] Trouble with 2.2.33-3 - Dirty workaround to avoid user local-tor in Linux

Julian Yon julian at yon.org.uk
Thu Oct 13 21:25:14 UTC 2011

On 13/10/11 21:32, unknown wrote:
> In Linux system daemons more secure than user-running programms by design. 

I'm not going to respond to all your points. Some are reasonable enough.
But this statement worries me. If we were talking about OpenBSD I'd
still raise an eyebrow, and Linux has a far bumpier history.

Be careful of only seeing the benefits of a solution and not its
weaknesses. For something that you call "more secure...by design" you
seem to be taking an awful lot of defensive measures. Ask yourself why
you do that, and what could happen if you make a mistake.

FWIW, I use TBB, a system tor daemon and have another listening
elsewhere on the network (for different purposes). So I'm not
criticising your decision, just not sure I am convinced it's necessarily
more secure.


3072D/D2DE707D Julian Yon (2011 General Use) <pgp.2011 at jry.me>

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