[tor-talk] Best Tool to connect to my Private TOR Network
Ted Smith
tedks at riseup.net
Fri Oct 7 17:51:33 UTC 2011
On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 10:58 -0400, Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On Friday, October 07, 2011 10:35:31 Faisal Rehman wrote:
> > Okay I will run some more directory authorities but how these will be tied
> > with each other via relays, sorry for asking very basic questions but I am
> > unable to find help for it over the internet. So I hope with your help I
> > will setup my own private tor network soon and launch it. Please also tell
> > me about tor client.
> Maybe someone else can help out here, but everything you need to know is at
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorFAQ#HowdoIsetupmyownprivateTornetwork.
> There are a number of lines where it starts off with "for each", this means you
> need to do these steps multiple times, once for each directory authority, once
> for each relay, and once for each tor client.
> For a while there were people working on a script to automate these steps, I
> don't know what happened to the script nor their progress.
I'm a researcher who just went through that wiki section to set up my
own (small) private Tor network, and would be very interested in that
script. If the people Andrew is talking about are on this mailing list,
could you please chime in and let us all know how you're doing? I'm sure
I'm not alone in wanting to see something like this exist.
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