exit node config for egypt IP range

Jan Weiher jan at buksy.de
Fri Jan 28 20:36:20 UTC 2011

Am 28.01.2011 19:13, schrieb Moritz Bartl:
> According to some Twitter users, only DNS is down. Third party DNS (or
> Tor) work.

This differs from ISP to ISP, it looks like they tried to f*ck up the
net as much as possible. A lot of routes to egyptian ISPs just
disappeared from the global routing table, so I think third party DNS
wont help there. But maybe some ISPs just shut down their DNS...

And to the original question: Due to the way tor works, it is not
possible to configure an exit node to only allow traffic from egypt. You
are only able to configure what types of outbound connections you allow.

best regards,

> Moritz
> On 28.01.2011 18:09, Peter Thoenen wrote:
>>>> All Egypt ISP are offline, the gov has turned the full
>>> internet OFF.
>>> This isn't true. I have access to some machines in Noor -
>>> this is an ISP
>>> currently active in Cairo.
>> http://www.renesys.com/blog/2011/01/egypt-leaves-the-internet.shtml
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