understanding problem, hidden services
Bernd Kreuss
prof7bit at googlemail.com
Sat Jan 22 12:57:57 UTC 2011
Although This *might* be better asked on the dev list I am sure here are
people who can answer this simple question too:
I am referring to this text:
I recently tried to explain the hidden services to somebody and noticed
that there is something I could not answer myself and also could not
find in the above mentioned document:
line 589: (Alice establishes rendezvous point)
"It does this by establishing a circuit to a randomly chosen OR"
does this mean
Alice -> OR1 -> OR2 -> Rend
circuit ending at Rend
Alice -> OR1 -> OR2 -> OR3 -> Rend
circuit connecting to Rend
I believe its the first one, a "circuit to", not a "circuit, connecting
to", but it is not entirely clear from reading the text.
line 609: (Alice connecting to Bob's intro point)
"Alice builds a separate circuit to one of Bob's chosen introduction points"
The same wording, the same interpretation?
Alice -> OR1 -> OR2 -> Intro <- ORb <- ORa <- Bob
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 3
or are more than 5 nodes involved? More than 5 nodes would destroy the
nice symmetry.
line 688: (Rendezvouz)
"Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous
Here the word "ending" sounds clear to me. The rendezvouz is the last
node in Bob's cicuit:
Rend <- ORb <- ORa <- Bob
Now dependig on the iterpretation of line 589 mentioned in the beginning
we have either:
Alice -> OR1 -> OR2 -> Rend <- ORb <- ORa <- Bob
3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
which is nice and symmetrical and involves the same number of nodes from
either side
or we have this:
Alice -> OR1 -> OR2 -> OR3 -> Rend <- ORb <- ORa <- Bob
3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Which I don't believe (alice would have chosen 4 and bob only 2 nodes).
Now here on this website with the nice pictures that tries to explain it
the whole problem is avoided by simply drawing a circuit as a green
arrow, not mentioning how many nodes it has or whether it ends at the
last node or connects to the last node:
But in the text below the last image: "In general, the complete
connection between client and hidden service consists of 6 relays: 3 of
them were picked by the client with the third being the rendezvous point
and the other 3 were picked by the hidden service."
This does not fit to *any* possible interpretation of rend-spec.txt:
"Bob's OP builds a new Tor circuit *ending* at Alice's chosen rendezvous
point," This has to be either a 4-node circuit if Bob is allowed to
chose 3 of its nodes or the wording in rend-spec.txt in line 688 is wrong.
How does it really work?
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