Is "gatereloaded" a Bad Exit?

Aplin, Justin M jmaplin at
Tue Feb 15 15:31:16 UTC 2011

On 2/15/2011 5:00 AM, morphium wrote:
> 2011/2/14 Julie C<julie at>:
>> If this BadExit policy is being
>> made up ad-hoc, that's fine by me. If the offending Tor node operators want
>> to stand up and defend themselves, or their choices, that's fine too.
> So, I as a Tor Node Operator now have to defend myself, because it's a
> priviledge to run a Tor node, not a service to the community?
> Guys, whats up with you?

I hate to continue a clearly dead-end argument, but have you ever 
volunteered, well, *anywhere*? If I were, say, volunteering to build 
houses for the homeless, and I started going off on my own, ignoring all 
guidelines, and hammering around wherever the fuck I wanted, I'd expect 
to either be asked what the hell I was doing (and allowed to continue 
given good reasoning), or be booted off the project. "I have my reasons 
for doing this, trust me" is not good enough. The same logic applies to 
nearly any volunteer or community service situation you could get 
yourself into. You wouldn't be allowed to re-arrange books at a library 
without explaining yourself, just as you shouldn't expect to run a 
broken- or malicious-looking Tor node without a heads-up to the community.

Running a node is indeed a community service; however, all community 
service requires some degree of responsibility. If you're really in a 
position where such a responsibility would endanger you (or you're 
simply defiant to the point of rebelling against responsibility when 
you're told it's expected of you), then yes, I expect you to be limited 
to the "safe zone" of being a middle node until you explain yourself or 
grow the hell up.

~Justin Aplin

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