Polipo bug reporting
Aplin, Justin M
jmaplin at ufl.edu
Tue Feb 1 05:59:02 UTC 2011
On 1/31/2011 7:58 PM, Geoff Down wrote:
>> The difference is that the PPC bundle with vidalia 0.2.9 was built on a
>> 10.3.9 ppc mac. However, the 10.3.9 machine died a smelly, melty
>> death during a build a few months ago.
> Is nobody freecycling one? http://www.freecycle.org/group/US/
> GD
I may be wrong about this, but I believe it's more of a software issue
than a hardware one. The last version of Xcode produced for 10.3 is
known to produce some wonky, apparently random errors in some
applications when they are run on 10.4 and 10.5. I imagine that 10.4 and
above are much more prevalent on current live machines (although I'd
love to see some hard data either way on that one), so given one
dedicated PPC build machine I imagine the emphasis should be placed on
producing stable applications for 10.4 and 10.5 (10.6 being Intel-only).
Xcode for 10.5 is known to produce applications that play fairly nice
with 10.4, but again, things sometimes get wonky with 10.3 (and then
again, sometimes not).
That's not to say, of course, that if you happened to find and old mac
and some 10.3 disks laying around, that a donation wouldn't be
appreciated =)
~Justin Aplin
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