Is "gatereloaded" a Bad Exit?

John Case case at SDF.LONESTAR.ORG
Sat Feb 12 22:35:22 UTC 2011

Hi Geoff,

On Sat, 12 Feb 2011, Geoff Down wrote:

>> There are a small number of easily identifiable "cons" to letting an exit
>> run like this, and there are an unlimited number of unknown "pros" to
>> letting an exit run like this.  You should know this.
> Leaving aside the original question of whether to BadExit GateReloaded,
> I'm afraid this argument is without merit.
> A rational decision can only be made on the basis of that for which you
> have evidence. There will always be an infinite number of things for
> which you have no evidence, but which you can imagine. Your argument
> appears to be equivalent to Pascal's argument for worshipping God -
> which has always been open to the rejoinder "which god, worshipped
> how?".
> Until you can quantify the "pros", it is only rational to behave on the
> basis of the quantifiable "cons".

That's fair.

Instead of stressing the boundless set of "pros", I will discuss a single, 
specific "pro", and that is the idea that open, arbitrary systems provide 
a foundation upon which to build surprising and unexpected combinations.

I wouldn't think that a group of technical people, much less a group of 
technical people immersed in network architectures would need this 
explained to them.

Then again, I didn't think we woud be referring to /etc/services as hard, 
physical laws, either.  You live and learn, I guess.
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