[tor-talk] some common ground on the gatereloaded topic

Damian Johnson atagar1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 15:36:05 UTC 2011

> That is, if I do indeed have a bizarro use case, and can't talk about it, as
> we were arguing about, I can still use the "badexit" labeled nodes as I see
> fit, yes ?  Or do you drop badexits out of the directory after some amount
> of time ?

Yes, it just effects the defaults. As a client you can do whatever you
want. This was discussed almost a month back in this thread.

Relevant snippet:
Despite its name, the BadExit flag really isn't a big whoop - the
relays are still perfectly usable for guard and middle hop positions.
They just aren't seeing exit traffic any longer.

> The obvious next conclusion is that, since the flags are simply human
> signifiers

No, the flag effects the default behavior for clients. Clients pick
nodes with the BadExit flag for the middle or guard positions, but
never as an exit.


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