Tor network connections constantly building / failing
Joe Btfsplk
joebtfsplk at
Thu Oct 14 18:43:34 UTC 2010
Thanks Justin,
> AFAIK, the archives are updated pretty much immediately.
> There have been cases where the archive thread will show up before a
> post will show up in my inbox.
I now see that some? posts (even for most recent reply date) don't seem
to be in perfect date order. Not sure. Seems some w/ earlier dates are
higher on list than some w/ later dates - even looking at the most
recent reply date to that OP. Maybe I'm not seeing something showing a
date really is later than another post's. Dunno. Looked at one post at
top of list, & every reply - * seemed * all dates were older than this
post & replies (which are a ways down from top).
The Vidalia pkg seems to be working OK for me ( in & of
itself). Don't think any better speed-wise (for some things) than *
when prev. ver. was working correctly * - but will have added security /
bug fixes. Maybe the older ver on my PC had a corrupted file.
I tested d/l speed of * a * file w/ Vidalia - seems fine. But
- for now - some pages seem to load much slower than before (approx same
time as d/l speed of test file showed OK). Not sure why. Will continue
to monitor.
On 10/14/2010 10:47 AM, Justin Aplin wrote:
> On Oct 14, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
>> Thanks Mike,
>> Question: I'm new at this mailing list. Instructions were to post
>> comments / quest. to: or-talk at But replies to my quest.
>> come from or-talk at
>> Which address should I send ORIGINAL posts to & which for REPLIES to
>> others' replies?
> Welcome! Both original posts and replies can be sent to either
> address, they'll both go out to the list. When sending mail to either
> address, or-talk at gets added to the "Reply-To" header, so
> I suppose for ease of separation you could consider or-talk at
> to be your OP address and or-talk at to be your Reply
> address. This isn't necessary, however, as plenty of OPs come in
> through or-talk at
>> Q2: For * current * topics, is there way or site to view discussions
>> - before they show on the archives site? Not sure if all discussions
>> wind up on archives site & how long takes.
> AFAIK, the archives are updated pretty much immediately.
> There have been cases where the archive thread will show up before a
> post will show up in my inbox.
>> Re: Your questions: Have home ADSL conn (non static IP). Direct /
>> dry loop DSL w/ AT&T - U.S. - TX. Unless they JUST changed how they
>> treat Tor connections, probably not the ISP (tho not out of question).
>> Just d/l & installed Vidalia Have VERY limited testing w/
>> it so far, but the constant, RAPID building / failing of new
>> connections seems to have stopped - for the moment. Will do further
>> testing. I haven't tried other connections / open wifi.
> Let us know what you see.
>> Could just be temporary Tor network conditions, but before AND after
>> installing Vidalia, many pages now loading quite slowly vs
>> same pgs in past months (comparing loading same pages on many diff
>> days of wk & time of day). Only diff on computer is upgrading to
>> Firefox 3.6.10. My non Tor DSL speeds are still good.
> Tor speeds for me fluctuate wildly depending on the time of day, phase
> of the moon, will of the gods, etc. Let us know if this is constant
> after the further testing you mentioned above.
> ~Justin Aplin
>> On 10/13/2010 4:55 PM, Mike Perry wrote:
>>> Thus spake Joe Btfsplk (joebtfsplk at
>>>> What I'm seeing is completely ABnormal from what I've seen for 1 - 2
>>>> yrs, over several Tor / Vidalia versions. I often looked at network
>>>> maps - was never like this.
>>>> 1) What I described about connections constantly (RAPID fire -
>>>> dozens,
>>>> one after another) building, then immediately after 90% of connections
>>>> 1st pop up - showing "building" - they immediately fail. Problem
>>>> is, so
>>>> many fail so quickly (in seconds), fair amount of time, there aren't 3
>>>> good (open, stable) connections. Therefore, d/l seems to drop to zero
>>>> during that time.
>>>> 2) ** Currently, this behavior does NOT "level off." It continues as
>>>> long a Tor / Polipo are running (even a day or more). Regardless, in
>>>> past if I ran Tor for 1 hr, I NEVER saw anything close to this. I
>>>> don't
>>>> leave Tor running (for normal browsing) for days at a time. Never
>>>> have.
>>>> 3) Now, my speeds never pick up (for any length of time).
>>> Your ISP may be blocking connections to the Tor network. What type of
>>> internet connection is this? Work/school/library/home? What country
>>> are you in? Have you tried other networks/open wifi to see if you get
>>> the same result?
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