opening up (exit policy) a bit ...

John Case case at SDF.LONESTAR.ORG
Sat May 8 21:35:17 UTC 2010

On Sat, 8 May 2010, Dyno Tor wrote:

>>>> Let's say you run a tor relay with no exit policy:
>>>> reject *:*
>>>> And then later you alter that exit policy a bit:
>>>> accept *:80,reject *:*


>> What do you mean, not an exit node at all? As long as the Tor
>> process receives a HUP signal or is restarted to notify it of the
>> config changes, it will become an exit.
> Because he has reject *:* first, it won't even look at the commands
> later.  First matching command wins.

No, you misread the original - I am saying that I first have this exit 

reject *:*

and then I replace that exit policy with:

accept *:80,reject *:*

So I am indeed an exit...

>> This is totally incorrect. Tor uses exit nodes in the middle and possibly
>> even guard position, depending on flags and general scarcity of
>> guards.

Ok, that was the answer to my first question.  My follow-up questions 

If that is the case, is the distribution random ?  Or is there some 
expected ratio I should see between non-exit relay traffic and port 80 
exit traffic ?

Have I complicated that ratio by having a very restrictive exit policy, or 
doesn't that matter ?

(FWIW, I picked port 80 just as an example)
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