Technology Preview: Windows client as a bridge by default
Andrew Lewman
andrew at
Sun Jun 6 01:50:48 UTC 2010
We keep hearing from people around the world that clicking the 3
buttons to turn yourself into a bridge is too difficult for most users
to do. These people have repeatedly asked for a "bridge by default"
configuration in a package. Here it is:
When you install and run this package, you are a bridge relay helping
censored users around the world access Tor and the uncensored Internet.
To understand more about bridges, read
This is the installable Vidalia bundle configured to be a bridge by
default. This is Tor, Vidalia 0.2.9, Polipo
The only difference between this bridge-bundle and the vidalia-bundle
is the bridge configuration.
When started, Vidalia attempts to use UPnP to reconfigure any
NAT/router device to open port 9001 for tor and 9030 for a directory
mirror. The bandwidth is set to consume greater than 1.5 Mbps. It
works just like the vidalia-bundle (because it is the vidalia-bundle)
where if UPnP fails, it prompts you to open the correct ports on your
None of this is final configuration. It is merely a "does it work for
you?" test package. So far, it's worked on the 4 different networks
I've tried. Apologies to the 300 Chinese users who used my bridge on
one of the test networks, only to have it go away a day later.
Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B
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