polipo problems
andrew at torproject.org
andrew at torproject.org
Sun Jan 3 17:41:58 UTC 2010
On Sun, Jan 03, 2010 at 05:08:41PM +0100, mangoblues at gmail.com wrote 9.2K bytes in 163 lines about:
> As polipo has now replaced privoxy in the default tor setup I am trying
> to use it, but it doesn't work.
In general, you should start a new thread rather than hijack an existing
one and changing the subject.
As for privoxy vs. polipo, if you don't like polipo, don't install it.
Run privoxy as you did before. The only time we force polipo is with
the Tor Browser Bundles. A sufficiently computer savvy person can not
install polipo and configure privoxy as they had before.
> 1. Run polipo as a windows 2003 service.
You can't. Polipo is designed for unixes, not windows. Chrisd is
working on making polipo more windows friendly, but these changes might
not arrive until the 1.0.5 release, or later.
Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B
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