Testing packages for OS X 10.5 and later with broken openssl
Andrew Lewman
andrew at torproject.org
Wed Jan 27 05:25:28 UTC 2010
Packages for testing are available at:
1) These will only work on OSX 10.5 i386 and newer. The backwards
compatible osx 10.4 lib changes stop tor from including the static
openssl. Tor fails to compile when using the 10.4 libs.
2) Tor- is compiled to replace the tor
binaries in /Applications/Vidalia.app/Contents/MacOS only. If your tor
is located elsewhere, compile your own for now.
3) I filed a bug with apple about their broken openssl. grml.
4) let us know if they work for you. My testing systems show it works
for me. Update
https://bugs.torproject.org/flyspray/index.php?do=details&id=1225 if it
doesn't work or you have other issues with these testing packages.
Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B
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