leaker-optimized versions of Tor

Karsten N. tor-admin at privacyfoundation.de
Wed Dec 8 15:37:13 UTC 2010

Am 08.12.2010 14:17, schrieb Eugen Leitl:
> I'm thinking about high-latency (suitable for nonrealtime things
> like leaking and email/messaging) anonymity-enhanced versions of Tor.

The I2P project have an addon like this. See http://i2pbote.net/

It uses the anonymity network only for transports and adds a higher
level protokoll for storage an delivery of mails.

The I2P-Bote mails are stored 20x and encrypted in a DHT. Bevor storing
the message, it can be send over 3,5... I2P nodes to hide the sender.

(Tahoe-LAFS stores 7x and can restore with 3 storage nodes.)

May be, it is more easy to use the Tor hidden services in a way like
TorChat and add a higher lever service for asynchronous messaging?

Best regards
Karsten N.
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