Load external content? message seems inappropriate
Thomas Anderson
zelnaga at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 16:57:13 UTC 2009
I was playing around with Tor Browser to see what it was like and
tried to download a small 1mb file from a server of mine. In the
process, I got the following message:
An external application is needed to handle:
NOTE: External applications are NOT Tor safe by default and can unmask you!
My question is... why is an external package being loaded? All I
want to do is to download a file via HTTP to my hard drive. I don't
want to open it up in whatever application would be appropriate and
even if I did, it's not as if that application would be the one that
downloads the file - Tor Browser would still download it and just
place it in the Windows temporary directory or where ever.
All in all, the message seems inappropriate. Sure, if I was
downloading, say, an *.exe, that *.exe might connect me to the
internet, but even then, the message seems misleading, since, at that
point, it's not that an external package is needed to handle the file
so much as the file *is* an external package.
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