eliminating bogus port 43 exits

Hans de Hartog dehartog at rootsr.com
Sun Jun 14 07:57:31 UTC 2009

Let's get back to the facts. I ran the following script last night
every 10 seconds for 10 hours on my exit node (lowest possible
bandwidth, i.e. 20 KBs).
Port Connections(cumulative for all runs)
443   131013
80     31367
43     306
Other ports neglectable, so why the fuzz about port 43?
The script:
netstat -n | awk '
/^tcp4/ { split($5, p, ".")
   if(p[5] < 1000) cnt[p[5]]++
END { for (a in cnt) {
    printf("%4d %8d\n", a, cnt[a])
} }'

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