FYI: router BillyGoat is offline

John Brooks special at
Wed Jul 1 01:22:13 UTC 2009

Unfortunately some ISPs just aren't willing to deal with the issues;
that's how it works. You could always run a non-exit relay if you wish
to, since they'll pretty much never have abuse complaints
(theoretically, you could receive complaints related to an end user
connecting to you, but that's quite unlikely). It's basically
impossible to run an exit node with an ISP that doesn't understand tor
or isn't willing to stand up for you in the instance of abuse
complaints; i've got an informal relationship with mine where all
abuse complaints are forwarded (as per their policy) and I reply to
them and the original sender with a template letter about Tor. I've
never had anything go beyond the first mailing, and never a complaint
from the ISP.

Anyway, rambling aside, if you wish to keep contributing, consider a
non-exit node (ExitPolicy reject *:*); other than the bandwidth, your
ISP would have no reason to complain about that.

  - John Brooks

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 7:09 PM, Kyle Williams<kyle.kwilliams at> wrote:
> So some ass thought it would be great to spam from my node, because today I
> got a complaint about abuse.
> The node "BillyGoat" (FP: 12b9b187422b2a7752f861aa0b86e4d99fa88dc0) has been
> taken offline because of this.  I'm not going to argue with my hosting
> company as they support my websites, and I like having them.  I gave them
> the informational lecture about Tor and how it helps people, but they only
> care about the abuse.  Further more, the people on the other end of the
> phone don't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.  This is the second
> time this has happened within a week of firing up a Tor server, and now I
> remember why I do not like running a exit node.
> Consider this just a FYI, router BillyGoat is down and will not be back
> online.
> Best regards,
> Kyle

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