VoIP telephony building like Tor

Scott Bennett bennett at cs.niu.edu
Wed Jul 29 07:16:29 UTC 2009

Hi Alexander,
     On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 22:04:11 +0400 "Alexander Cherepanov"
<cherepan at mccme.ru> wrote:
>You wrote to or-talk at freehaven.net, "Vlad \"SATtva\" Miller" <sattva at pgpru.com> on Sat, 25 Jul 2009 06:59:43 -0500 (CDT):
>>      On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:12:52 +0700 "Vlad \"SATtva\" Miller" <sattva at pgpru.com> wrote:
>>>James Brown (25.07.2009 00:16):
>>>> Very many Russian people were killed, unlawful arrest or simply
>>>> disappear last 4 - 5 years from activity our new Government...
>>>Please, please, keep political FUD off the list.
>>      Given that what he wrote is about a) events reported in the press
>> internationally and b) one of the highest priority justifications for
>> having a tor development project in the first place, *your* comment
>> would appear to be a non sequitur.  Perhaps you should have changed
>> your Subject: line to reflect whatever OT issue you wished to discuss
>> instead of what was already being discussed.
>>      The OP has requested information, and several of us now have tried
>> to find information that he might be able to use to his advantage in
>> the situation he believes he faces.  If you have additional information
>> along these lines, please post it.
>I'm sure that Vlad is happy to see the ongoing discussion of technical 
>questions raised by the OP. He just asked to keep political FUD off 

     He gave no such indication in the single line of text that constituted
his followup and to which I was following up.

>the list. And I'm completely agree with him, IMHO unfounded (and 
>founded probably also:-) talks about bloody regime are not for this 
>mailing list. YMMV.

     Please reread what I wrote that you have quoted above.  It doesn't
matter whether you support or oppose the OP's political views.  The point
is that the OP made apparent reference to events reported both in the press
in Russia and in the international press as a reason *he* was afraid and
wanted to use tor.  That should be more than sufficient information for
anyone on this list to understand the OP's motivation for asking his
>As for banning Skype in Russia, AFAICT it's FUD also. Everything seems 
>to be based on some discussions in The Russian Union of Industrialists 
>and Entrepreneurs (just hysterics by mobile operators loosing market 
>share?). It's somewhat troubling but I'm not sure it's worth much 
>discussion until there are some concrete details.

     Fair enough.  However, if Phil Zimmermann had waited until the FBI
had its Carnivore system up and running, along with further development
already in progress, we probably would never have gotten PGP or its
successors.  He dropped all of his paying work for many months in order
to design, code, test, and release PGP 1.0, all justified *in his own mind*
on the basis of what he had heard or read that the FBI was talking about
>What the OP proposes is also somewhat strange. Build the possibility 
>to "call to ordina[r]y telephones" into Tor? Sure, just add some PSTN 
>exit nodes...
     Yeah, well, that is certainly unnecessary.  Specific applications
should be developed outside of tor by interested parties.  I already worry
that tor itself will become too large and complex to be kept safe to use.
There are already various telephone applications that might be modified
to work with proxy support that would enable the use of tor with them.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army."                                               *
*    -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790         *

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