TOR Exit via Squid

Erik Heidt erik.heidt at
Fri Jul 3 02:53:17 UTC 2009

Hello -

In light of recent events I have added news and information sites to my exit
policy (previously I was 100% Entry Node). Examples include wikipedia, cnn,
etc. (I know that Tor is primarily an tool for gaining anonymity and
privacy, but it is also a tool for getting around restrictions some nations
put in place to limit peoples access to news and information.)

To make the most efficient use of my bandwidth, I would like to direct these
port 80 http sites to a squid cache running on the same Ubuntu host as Tor.
What would be the best way to accomplish that? Does anyone else on the list
have any advice regarding this?

Thanks for your insights and help,
( Nickname artofinfosecTOR1 )
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