(FWD) Re: Good and bad ISP in Germany and around ?
Roger Dingledine
arma at mit.edu
Tue Dec 1 23:38:42 UTC 2009
[Forwarding because Alex isn't subscribed to the list at this address.
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Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 11:02:36 +0100
From: Alexander Bernauer <alex-tor at spamt.net>
To: or-talk at freehaven.net
Subject: Re: Good and bad ISP in Germany and around ?
On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 09:21:44AM +0100, heidenheim at attac.de wrote:
> Anybody with Hetzner, server4you,keyweb, ipx-server ?
In case somebody with the necessary priviledges wants to add this to the
I have recently checked www.manitu.de because they advertise with
internet without censorship and data retention.
Unofortunatelly they explictly forbid providing anonymazation services
in ther general terms and conditions [1].
On inquiry they have justified this restriction with the enourmous
bandwidth consumption and the impossibility to achieve fair combined
costing in this case.
For the same reason they forbid running mirrors of public data such as
open source software. So I believe their argument is no pretense.
[1] http://www.manitu.de/impressum/agb.pdf
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