[OFF LIST] Re: attempt from Taiwan to connect to my privoxy port
Steve Southam
ssoutham at ironkey.com
Wed Dec 16 17:50:47 UTC 2009
Any packet could be part of an attack. The same packet in different situations can cause many different effects, depending on how the system has already been setup, by admins AND attackers.
It depends on the knowledge of the entity that sent the packet, how many more of them there are and stuff like that. But yeah a specific hex pattern being a militarized whatever is bullshit.
From: owner-or-talk at freehaven.net [owner-or-talk at freehaven.net] On Behalf Of Praedor Atrebates [praedor at yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 7:04 AM
To: or-talk at freehaven.net
Subject: Re: [OFF LIST] Re: attempt from Taiwan to connect to my privoxy port
As a member of a US military "organization", that term "weaponized icmp", etc,
is bullshit speak to try to gin up tax dollars to support "info warfare"
commands and related crap. You have to call EVERYTHING a weapon or everyone a
potential terrorist if you want to fund your latest pet project.
Total crap. "Weaponized" icmp my ass. And I'm a Comm troop too.
On Wednesday 16 December 2009 09:13:09 am you wrote:
> On 12/16/2009 04:52 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> > And of course everyone knows the Chinese boogeymen are probing the
> >
> > hell out of US address space. Oh wait, so are the Brazilians and
> > the Romanians and the... ;) Why just the other day I was feeling
> > lonely and sent out about 16M 'illegitimate' pings to some random/8
> > just to see who said hello.
> The terms I continue to hear from military organizations are "weaponized
> icmp", "weaponized tcp", and "weaponized probing".
> I don't really know how one can take an icmp packet and determine if
> it's weaponized or innocent, but it's quite the dichotomy that's being
> created. Interestingly, most of these people don't think tor is
> weaponized. For whatever that means.
Freedom is not the Judeo-Christian divinity's gift to anybody. Freedom and
democracy have their origins with the Greeks and the Romans, who had a bunch
of gods whose idea of family does not comport with George Bush's.
--Nicholas Von Hoffman, NYObserver
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