arshad arshad3m at
Sun Dec 27 01:12:44 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-12-26 at 15:13 -0800, Seth David Schoen wrote:
> Arshad writes:
> > thank you very much. then if the user uses tor for his all browsing
> > purposes, from the isp end how does they see this? shouldnt they know
> > which sites the user visits? if dad request the bill include all the
> > sites the son visits what would the give? is the user shown as a peron
> > who doesnt use internet or what will be there recorded for where the
> > dns request came from etc?
> The ISP would see the user visiting a number of Tor nodes.  If the user
> isn't using bridges, then the ISP will know that the user is using Tor,
> but not what the user is doing with Tor.  For example, the ISP won't
> know what sites or services the user is using through Tor.

if the ISP doesnt know, which sites the user visit. then they cannot
provide the sites visited with the bill if the user requests it?
AFAIK all ISPs provide visited sites upon request right?
thank you.

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