Vidalia GEOIP file problem...

Eric ['Sky-san!'] & Jia Bigham hanyou at
Sat Dec 26 22:56:44 UTC 2009


Using Vidalia 0.2.6 (PPC) under Mac OS 10.5.8 - when trying to create/ 
use a bridge, I get this strange error message that reads:

Dec 26 13:53:21.352 [Warning] Failed to open GEOIP file /Applications/  We've been configured to see which  
countries can access us as a bridge, and we need GEOIP information to  
tell which countries clients are in.

About over half a year ago, the TOR bridge worked fine for about a  
month, but then it seemed to fail and not work (sometimes the settings  
would tell me that the bridge wasn't running, most of the time no  
traffic, etc. - had tons of traffic if I set it to be just a relay).   
Until I upgraded Vidalia to 0.2.6 today, I never had a clue as to why  
the bridge would fail until I got this message.  What does it mean and  
how can I fix it???

Thank you so much!

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