Comcast throws down gauntlet to residential accounts
Martin Fick
mogulguy at
Mon Aug 10 19:28:53 UTC 2009
--- On Mon, 8/10/09, Scott Bennett <bennett at> wrote:
> Next, the conversation took a turn
> I was told that having *any* ports "open facing the
> Internet" was a violation of Comcast's Acceptable Use
> Policy (AUP) for residential accounts.
Seems like another good argument in favor of
implementing a mechanism for relays to work behind
firewalls, you would not need to have any open ports.
This might be another way that they attack bittorent
users since to get better bandwidth, they need to
open ports.
While it does suck, ultimately you can't blame them for
this policy (the other BS notwithstanding) since it is
in their AUP. There's a reason I don't use such an
account despite having to regularly justify the extra
monthly expense to my wife when she asks: "why can't
we use one of those cheap DSL/cable internet services
I see advertised everywhere?"
If they couldn't do this, to stay competitive, they
would charge more money for everyone and you would
suffer more. Cheap internet access and "serving" is
not some inherent human right, so let's not complain
about the price of gas here. ;) (unless it is to
propose ways to make tor use less gas...)
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