shinjiru closed exit node acceptnolimits

accept no limits acceptnolimits at
Thu Jan 3 10:38:29 UTC 2008


> A good response might be to write a letter to the hosting company,  
> have you tried that?

if hosting company = server provider then:
Yes I wrote two emails. They didn't respond. I don't write hardware  
snail-mail letters, because completely anonymous server renting was  
possible there.

> It's all an issue of pressure. If we can apply more pressure than  
> whoever is on the other side, we come out on top,

My first goal is to find a new provider (if shinjiru doesn't want me  
and my tor exit node any more).

My second goal is to find out what happened; what type of abuse there  
was. Perhaps somebody hacked the server (OK, only ssh with key-login,  
tor and apache where running, but who knows) and abused the server for  
sending spams. In this case I would understand, why they shut down the  

accept no limits

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