How are German Tor server people doing?
Eugen Leitl
eugen at
Tue Jan 1 11:22:13 UTC 2008
On Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 11:56:45PM -0800, algenon flower wrote:
> I am just curious to hear how the people are doing
> out Germany way who are being impacted as per the oft
After the federal president signed the law, 30 kPeople submitted
their suit against it in the court at Karlsruhe on 31. Dec (the largest
constitutional suit ever by a large margin). AFAIK the plan
is to achieve a preliminary injunction first. In any case
the relevant date is 20090101, not 20080101. Only telecommunication
providers (cellular, telephony, possibly VoIP) are/would
be affected at this time -- but, let's see what Karlsruhe will
say to that. If the law is not repealed as unconstitutional,
it would be another major building stone for the new
machtergreifung laws.
> discussed new repression law. I am hoping they having
> a good nice time, it must be 6am '08 there right
> now... Happy new year to you and don't cave in to the
> "creeping repressionism". We are all we have to fight
It is quite interesting how global this is. I think
it looks like a silent collusion. If it is indeed that, it's
time to get seriously scared. We need to maintain untrackable
uncensorable communication to any political or activist
group, whatever it takes.
> to be free.
Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
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